Hi, how does cloud radar works? cant seem to get it to work. Any instructions?
aspyrite A aspyrite Registered 3 0 1 26 Сентябрь 2022 #1 Hi, how does cloud radar works? cant seem to get it to work. Any instructions?
aspyrite A aspyrite Registered 3 0 1 27 Сентябрь 2022 #3 my screen "waiting to get data"... but i am ingame
csxMpak csxMpak Administrator 3,128 3,819 83 7 Октябрь 2022 #5 aspyrite сказал(а): my screen "waiting to get data"... but i am ingame Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... BLVCK33 сказал(а): Same for me Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... https://midnight.im/threads/3625/
aspyrite сказал(а): my screen "waiting to get data"... but i am ingame Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... BLVCK33 сказал(а): Same for me Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... https://midnight.im/threads/3625/
aspyrite A aspyrite Registered 3 0 1 8 Октябрь 2022 #6 i fixed mine. Just need to toggle on/off the setting while you are ingame and it should work :)