Hi, my friend cant join me, support told me that its because of LUA. Can someone help me what to do?
Zinkysson Z Zinkysson Customer 1 0 1 5 Сентябрь 2022 #1 Hi, my friend cant join me, support told me that its because of LUA. Can someone help me what to do?
TOMATO KING TOMATO KING Customer 5 1 3 6 Сентябрь 2022 #2 Zinkysson сказал(а): Hi, my friend cant join me, support told me that its because of LUA. Can someone help me what to do? Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... this is cuz your using Karlend's player manager script you can fix this by removing the file mostly likely located here: <your-midnight-folder>/lua/menu/page/player_manager.lua if you remove player_manager.lua and then reload menu.lua in the lua tab in the menu it shoud be fix
Zinkysson сказал(а): Hi, my friend cant join me, support told me that its because of LUA. Can someone help me what to do? Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... this is cuz your using Karlend's player manager script you can fix this by removing the file mostly likely located here: <your-midnight-folder>/lua/menu/page/player_manager.lua if you remove player_manager.lua and then reload menu.lua in the lua tab in the menu it shoud be fix