I keep getting crashed by "crash (ruina 2)" and it's the only thing that works against me. Happened twice in a row.



[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: DIR_WATER_HYDRANT (13)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Interaction] Action | Name: 'Kick From Server', Target: 'yousmilee'
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: DIR_WATER_HYDRANT (13)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: DIR_WATER_HYDRANT (13)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: DIR_WATER_HYDRANT (13)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: EXP_TAG_BLIMP2 (37)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: DIR_WATER_HYDRANT (13)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: EXP_TAG_BLIMP2 (37)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: DIR_WATER_HYDRANT (13)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Explosion Event | From: yousmilee, Type: DIR_WATER_HYDRANT (13)
[05.07.2022 00:33:17] [Notify] Fire Event | From: Aiddn_ig, Count: 1
[05.07.2022 00:33:19] [Notify] Fire Event | From: Aiddn_ig, Count: 1
[05.07.2022 00:33:56] [SessionHost] Next host changed | Previous: BBerrie, Next: KheFEX
[05.07.2022 00:34:18] [Notify] Teleport to club house exit | From: Jujuondatbeatt
[05.07.2022 00:34:18] [Notify] Crash (Ruina 2) | From: Jujuondatbeatt
[05.07.2022 00:34:18] [Notify] Crash (Ruina 2) | From: Jujuondatbeatt
[05.07.2022 00:34:18] [Notify] Crash (Ruina 2) | From: Jujuondatbeatt
[05.07.2022 00:34:18] [Notify] Crash (Ruina 2) | From: Jujuondatbeatt
[05.07.2022 00:34:18] [Notify] Crash (Ruina 2) | From: Jujuondatbeatt
[05.07.2022 00:34:49] [Script] Script 'freemode' crashed. Code: 1
[05.07.2022 00:34:49] [System] Exception raised with code C0000005 at address GTA5.exe.15E0945.
[05.07.2022 00:34:49] [System] Please send the specified file to the developers, it will help to fix the bug:
[05.07.2022 00:34:49] [System] C:\Users\alexl\Desktop\Midnight\\logs\midnight_crash_05_07_2022_00_34_49.log
[05.07.2022 00:34:49] [Skeleton] Exception happened in subsystem 'CTheScripts', skipping.
[05.07.2022 00:34:49] [System] Exception raised with code C0000005 at address GTA5.exe.A2FDB4.
[05.07.2022 00:34:50] [System] Please send the specified file to the developers, it will help to fix the bug:
[05.07.2022 00:34:50] [System] C:\Users\alexl\Desktop\Midnight\\logs\midnight_crash_05_07_2022_00_34_49 (1).log
[05.07.2022 00:34:50] [Skeleton] Exception happened in subsystem 'CNetwork', skipping.
[05.07.2022 00:34:50] [System] Exception raised with code C0000005 at address GTA5.exe.A35FB7.
[05.07.2022 00:34:51] [System] Please send the specified file to the developers, it will help to fix the bug:
[05.07.2022 00:34:51] [System] C:\Users\alexl\Desktop\Midnight\\logs\midnight_crash_05_07_2022_00_34_50.log