RBLSummer R RBLSummer Registered 2 0 1 28 Август 2023 #2 Whether it can be used in the PAC anti-cheating of the Chinese perfect competition platform without being discovered
Whether it can be used in the PAC anti-cheating of the Chinese perfect competition platform without being discovered
tipikael tipikael Customer 1,126 317 83 28 Август 2023 #3 RBLSummer сказал(а): Whether it can be used in the PAC anti-cheating of the Chinese perfect competition platform without being discovered Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... If PAC is client anticheat (ach) midnight can't bypass him. If PAC is serverside ach midnight can bypass him
RBLSummer сказал(а): Whether it can be used in the PAC anti-cheating of the Chinese perfect competition platform without being discovered Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... If PAC is client anticheat (ach) midnight can't bypass him. If PAC is serverside ach midnight can bypass him