Hello. I got access to the beta and im wondering if its safe to use midnight in cs2.
Radi4ko Radi4ko Registered 0 2 2 1 Сентябрь 2023 #1 Hello. I got access to the beta and im wondering if its safe to use midnight in cs2.
tipikael tipikael Customer 1,126 317 83 1 Сентябрь 2023 #2 nisradoslav сказал(а): Hello. I got access to the beta and im wondering if its safe to use midnight in cs2. Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... I recommend you to wait few weeks/months. To check if midnight save/or some1 get vac. And after few months/weeks u can play with him
nisradoslav сказал(а): Hello. I got access to the beta and im wondering if its safe to use midnight in cs2. Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... I recommend you to wait few weeks/months. To check if midnight save/or some1 get vac. And after few months/weeks u can play with him